Debian Information Technology Inc.
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Debian IT is Proud to be Ranked on the 2020 Growth List

Debian IT is Proud to be Ranked on the 2020 Growth List and Be Recognized for the 4th year in ...

Debian IT is proud to be on Canada’s Top Growing Companies

  September 25, 2020 Debian IT is proud to be om The Globe and Mail’s list of Canada’s Top Growing Companies ...

Why Your Business Is The PERFECT Target For Hackers...

Everybody gets hacked, but not everything makes the evening news. We hear about big companies like Target, Home Depot, Capital ...

Trickbot Adds New Trick Linux Malware

Trickbot is about as bad as they come in the world of malware. Originally a malware strain from the Windows ecosystem, security professionals have recently found samples of the code in the ...

This New Malware Added An Email Attachment Stealer

Emotet's massive botnet was dormant for several months, but on July 17th, 2020, it suddenly rumbled back to life. It started spewing out massive numbers of phishing emails aimed at installing Trickbot ...

Online Shoppers Are Seeing An Increase In Scams

Recently, the FBI issued an advisory warning about a sharp increase in the number of reported victims of online shopping scams. According to data compiled by the FTC, the last few months ...

Remote Workers Are Getting Hit By Ransomware

According to the 2020 Vulnerability and Treat Trends Report, the number of new samples of ransomware increased by a staggering 72 percent during the first half of this year. Hackers around the ...

Debian Information Technology Inc. Ranked Among World’s Most Elite 501 Managed Service Providers

Annual MSP 501 Identifies Best-in-Class Global MSP Businesses & Leading Trends in Managed Services JULY 28, 2020: Debian Information Technology Inc. has been named as one of the world’s premier managed service ...

Don’t Fall For Office 365 Zoom Notification Phishing Email

Do you use Microsoft Office 365? Do you also use Zoom? If so, be advised that there's a new phishing campaign designed with you specifically in mind, the goal of which is ...

Corporate Internet Users Watch Out For Conti Ransomware

Although you may not be familiar with the name, a strain of ransomware called "Conti" is surging in popularity on the Dark Web and seeing a rapidly growing number of installations, so ...