Debian IT is Proud to be Ranked on the 2020 Growth List

Debian IT is Proud to be
Ranked on the 2020 Growth List and
Be Recognized for the 4th year in a row as One of  Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies


Debian IT Ranks No. 276  on the 2020 Growth List

– Canadian Business unveils annual list of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies –

Calgary City, (October 15, 2020) Canadian Business today ranked Debian IT No. 276 on the 32nd annual Growth List, the definitive ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies. Produced by Canada’s premier business and current affairs media brands, the Growth List ranks Canadian businesses on five-year revenue growth. Growth List winners are profiled in a special print issue of Canadian Business published with Maclean’s maga-zine and online at and

“The companies on the 2020 Growth List are really exceptional. Their stories are a master-class in how to survive when the economy throws a curveball. Despite turbulence, the 2020 Growth List companies showed resilience, spirit and, most importantly, empathy and strong leadership,” says Susan Grimbly, Growth List Editor. “As we celebrate over 30 years of the Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies program, it’s encouraging to see that the heart of Canada’s entrepreneurial community beats strong, even in tough times.”
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For over 30 years, the Growth List ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies (former-ly the Growth 500) has been Canada’s most respected and influential ranking of entrepre-neurial achievement. Originally developed by PROFIT and now published in a special Growth List print issue of Canadian Business (packaged with the December issue of Maclean’s mag-azine) and online at and, the Growth List ranks Canadian companies on five-year revenue growth, and the Startup List ranks Canadian new growth companies on two-year revenue growth. For more information on the ranking, visit


Founded in 1928, Canadian Business is the longest-serving business publication in the country. It has fuelled the success of Canada’s business elite and, through the Growth List ranking, celebrates leadership, innovation, business strategy and management tactics. Learn more at

About DebianIT

We are one of Canada’s fastest growth, IT companies, tripling in size over the past 5 years.

We deliver secure, reliable, efficient IT services with predictable results and costs, by using our documented Systems & Processes, using a proprietary 4-pronged approach.

We focus on Making IT easy For Our Customers, we have been recognized as one of Canada’s 50 BEST MANAGED IT COMPANIES, CANADA'S GROWTH LIST FASTED-GROWING COMPANIES, and Amongst the WORLDS TOP 501 Managed Service Providers.

Debian Information Technology Inc.
Corporate Head Office
102, 1035 – 7th Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 3E9

Phone: 587-392-3764
Support: 403‐269-8324
